Allyson Mitchell
The Fluff Stands Alone, 2003. | Image from allysonmitchell.com Ladies Sasquatch, 2006 - 2010. | Image from allysonmitchell.com Okay,...

Dayna Danger
Venery, 2015 | Image from daynadanger.com Danger's work is extremely provcative and her challenge of power, representation and...

Jamie Q
Gaybombs. 2011. paper-mâché. small 29 x 12 x 12 cm. medium: 42 x 18 x 18 cm. Image from jamieq.net Jamie Q explores queer things, a...

Zachary Logan
Root 2, in progress, 2015. | Image from beautifuldecay.com Exploring 'masculinity, identity, memory and place', Zachary Logan's work...